A Mom’s Survival Guide: Top 10 Self-Care hacks you can do at home

A Mom’s Survival Guide: Top 10 Self-Care hacks you can do at home

Hey fellow moms! In the midst of the chaos, we often find ourselves at the bottom of our own to-do lists. It’s time to hit pause and prioritize a little self-care. Here are my top 10 mom-approved hacks for those precious moments of rejuvenation at home.

Number 1: Tea Time Tranquility:
Brew a cup of your favorite tea and find a quiet corner. Let the soothing warmth and flavors transport you to a moment of calm. It’s a simple ritual that can make a big difference.

Number 2: DIY aromatherapy:
Grab essential oils, like lavender or eucalyptus, and diffuse them around your home. The calming scents can turn your space into a spa-like sanctuary, even if only for a short while.

Number 3: Quick face mask magic:
Raid your kitchen for ingredients like honey, yogurt, or avocado. Whip up a quick DIY face mask to nourish your skin. It’s a multitasking treat for both your face and soul.


Number 4: escape with a good book:
Dive into a book that takes you to another world. Whether it’s a few pages before bedtime or stolen moments during the day, immersing yourself in a good story is a form of self-care.

Amazon Thrillers for or about moms (US + Int’l)

Bol.com Historical novels (Dutch)

Number 5: 10-minute Yoga break:
You don’t need an hour to feel the benefits of yoga. Find a quiet spot, roll out a mat or towel, and indulge in a quick ten-minute yoga session. Stretch away the stresses of the day.

Number 6: listen to your favorite tunes:
Create a playlist of your favorite feel-good songs. Let the music transport you and boost your mood. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, dance like nobody’s watching!

Number 7: pamper your feet:
Soak your tired feet in a basin of warm water with a dash of Epsom salt. It’s a simple way to unwind and soothe those hardworking mom feet.

Number 8: indulge in a guilt-free treat:
Grab a small piece of your favorite chocolate or treat yourself to a decadent dessert. Savor each bite and let the sweetness be a momentary escape.

Number 9: Create a Cozy Corner:
Designate a comfy spot in your home. Fill it with soft blankets and cushions. It’s your go-to place for a quick retreat when you need a moment to recharge.

Number 10: Reflect and Journal:
Spend a few minutes jotting down your thoughts or doodling in a journal. Reflecting on the day can help declutter your mind and provide a sense of closure.

Remember, mama, you deserve these moments of self-care. Embrace the hacks that fit into your day, even if it’s just a snippet of time. Here’s to a happier, healthier you!

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